
Postnatal Check Up

We tend to visit you at home in the first eight days after labour, the postpartum or postnatal period. During this time the “kraamzorg”  (baby nurse) will come and stay several hours a day for a period of time. During these hours she will take care of you and the baby as well as things around the house. She will play a significant part in getting your child to latch on for the first time with breastfeeding. The exact amount of days or hours per day the kraamzorg is available to you depends on your situation and health insurance.

The midwife will also come and see you after the birth to discuss the delivery and to answer any questions you may have. Your baby will get a blood spot test (neonatal heel prick) on day three or four. This test can determine in a very early stage whether or not your baby is at risk of contracting certain (very treatable) diseases.  To know more about the blood spot test or neonatal heel prick please visit this website:

When the kraamzorg leaves after the last day of her stay and you no longer 'need' the care of your midwife you will go back to the care of your GP. For check-ups of your baby you can visit the assigned consultatiebureau. The consultatiebureau is assigned to childcare services ( Your baby will need to take a hearing test at the consultatiebureau the first three weeks after the birth. When you haven't been contacted by anyone from the consultatiebureau, please contact them yourself. Also, feel free to call us for any follow up questions after your delivery.