Deciding where you want to deliver

It is safe to deliver your baby from week 37 – 42 with your midwife present. In the Netherlands you have the choice to have a home birth or a hospital delivery. Recent studies have shown that the actual place of delivery does not ensure its safety. The most important thing is that you feel safe and comfortable at the chosen place of delivery which in turn will create a relaxing environment. Our practice handles the hospital deliveries at Bronovo Hospital and at the Geboortekliniek at MCH location Westeinde. Around week 36 we will invite you to a so called 'delivery talk' and we will give you an educational brochure to read through on how to prepare yourself for the actual delivery.

'Ready to go – bag' and other arrangements
When you enter your 37th week of the pregnancy it makes sense to get a bag ready for you and your new born, whether you are having a home birth or a hospital delivery. If you have small children at home be sure to arrange for family or friends to take care of them when the delivery/birth starts.

...and more:

  • Make sure to be registered at the hospital before the delivery/birth
  • Contents of 'ready to go – bag' : hospital punch tags or stickers, sleepwear, clean clothes, flip flops, toiletries, insurance card, ID, pregnancy-card, change (coins) for unexpected expenses (a 50 cents coin, a 1 and 2 euro coin for the hospital wheelchair), dextrose (glucose candy), baby outfit, maxi cosi/travel crib, photo camera with charged battery.
  • Transportation – if you don't have a car at your disposal be sure to have the phone number of a taxi company pre-programmed into your phone or whomever is supposed to drive you to the hospital.
  • Make sure your bed is elevated: either with (beer) crates or 'bobbins'. Your bed should be up by 80 centimetres.
  • You should have a delivery/maternity package ready. When you are planning on a home delivery please make sure that you have plenty of 'fibre mats'.
  • Home delivery supplies: two buckets, two garbage bags, a paper towel role, movable lamp (75 watts), ten cotton (hydrophilic) diapers, two hats and a baby outfit, two metal hot water bottles with covers and a digital thermometer.

Registering the baby after the birth:
Once the baby is born the new mom needs to rest and get used to being a mother. However, it is important to remember to register your child within three working days after the birth. The dad (or significant other) will register the child at the city office of the town where the child is born. This can mean a different town than the one you live at. For the birth registration you will need a legitimate proof of identification, the birth certificate, your marriage license or certificate of “erkenning van de ongeboren vrucht”.